

I was fortunate enough to lead a team of six extremely talented individuals for the IM Showcase, creating an innovative event, in what was a first for the department and the Interactive Media Course.

I created the event and worked collaboratively with students, staff and the department to make the Showcase a reality. I tried to field ideas from the team and make sure that everyone was heard, as the idea of the event was to give all of the students a platform to showcase their work.
I took all of the ideas to the head of department and ensured that the department was kept in the loop at all times, while also communicating with staff to make sure that our IM Showcase team could get the help that we needed.

During the build up to the Showcase, I presented the event at a local TechYork event, following which two of the attendees sponsored the Showcase and donated equipment to help with the event.

See more about the Interactive Media Showcase: